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RE: Subject Welcom :  Old Opening  Date:  Mon, 5 May 2003 17:37:59

"We don't know who discovered water but we can be pretty sure it wasn't a fish"-- Marshal McLuhan
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R@wman the puppet that's a critic, not a critic that's a puppet.                    © 2003 Charles Mingus III AKA ED
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Things were so bad in the past that most historians are generally optimistic. But this guy closes the book on the species  
check out die off & the VIP- FYI CIA doc no more bullshit WYSIWYG. Garbage in Garbage out. Believe it or Not!
RE: Subject coming soon :  Date:   Mon, 5 May 2003 17:37:59
  © 2001- 2003 Mingus Designs    

                             Practicum Ratsoutofthebag
      A Looming Monetary Collision:Oil, the dollar and the euro
 Arjun Makhijani  19 March 2003$euro.pdf
    A briefing paper of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research on the global  economy
                               Saddam's last laugh
The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times  if OPEC Switches to the Euro(March 2001)
Arjun Makhijani, Saddam's Last Laugh ?
SADDAM’S LAST LAUGH   The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times if OPEC Switches to the Euro
Arjun Makhijani is president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research in Takoma Park, Maryland

 Saddam's Last Laugh The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times
                  if OPEC Switches to the Euro
an alt source

"We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry
 of vast proportions.

Added to this, three-and-a -half million men and women are directly
engaged in the defence establishment.

We annually spend on military security more than
 the net  income of all US  corporations.

"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry
 is new in the American experience. The total influence - economic, political, even
spiritual - is felt in every city, every state house,every office of the federal government.
We recognise the imperative need for development.

Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.
Our toil, resources and livelihood are involved; so is the very structure of our society.

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition
 of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial (Entertainment, Prison) complex.

The potential  for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and
 will persist."                         
*  @  GV&MI

"Naturally the common people don't want war: neither in Russia,  nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it  is always a simple matter to drag  the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.Voice or no voice, the people can always be  brought to the bidding of the leaders. This is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger.It works  every time."       Herman Goering at the Nuremberg Trials.                                                                                                                                                            
Practicum Ratsoutofthebag
-- Theodore Roosevelt

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  -- George Orwell

 Saddam's Last Laugh The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times
                  if OPEC Switches to the Euro
"The world  owes me a living,  they are all alike, stupid. I am the chosen  one with  the golden touch."  ©  1998-2002 Mingus Designs .

Stepford Citizen Syndrome: Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor is Brainwashed
 September 5, 2002 By Maureen Farrell
 Though much of the world is convinced the 2000 election was  a coup d'etat, and many believe
 we're being lied to regarding 9/11, we Americans are unaware of how numb we seem. Not only
are we being coerced into World War III, but at this very moment, unnamed souls are secretly
locked away, the Army's drafted plans for civilian detention camps and there's a Shadow Government buzzing beneath our streets. And yet, we continue to ignore the oily elephant
in the living room.

The administration's Iraq war dance is likewise baffling, particularly when Dick Cheney says
 Saddam can't be trusted - even though, not too long ago, he was trusted to the tune of $73
 million during Halliburton/Iraq transactions.

Moreover, newly discovered memos reveal that Cheney was also involved in a 1975 cover-up involving the CIA's mind-control experiment, MK-ULTRA.Back then, the government paid $750,000 restitution to Army biochemist Dr. Frank Olson's family, after admitting the CIA slipped Dr. Olson LSD days before his 1953 fall from a New York City building.
There's no free lunch .  I KNOW THIS IS A STUPID QUESTION BUT ,Have you been un-hiptotized?.
   New OINK! Brother Heart Donors!
Have you been un-hypnotized?

The guy that made the electronic LCD version of this says to me when I asked  him" how much do I   for this incredible gadget?" And he says "Any enemy of Hitler is a friend of mine! No charge, I should be paying you for thinking this hole thing up!!" Use it well... In memory of Dick Borstalman>ED.
Did you know  8 out of 10 humans on this earth  have no knowledge of  the telephone?
 Do you really believe that your intelligence and  beauty qualifies you to receive the massive
share of the worlds recourses that make  up what is known as the "worlds wealth" and all that you
need do is "have more fun?   * WW = All humanity no one nation or system of government  owns this
earth no people over any other, all are worthy or none are . Consider the peoples as a single creature
with one species prerogative and you are apart of the massive agglomeration  that make up the total
of all humankind that may share the effort and pleasure of creating a consciously better world. Or not.
A world waits to see what you will do.  Be what you want others to become.80 out of 100 or 2 in 10
know and exploit and benefit. If so called modern humans civilization  were a plant it would be clearly
 describing a lethal parasite. A very common theme of SI-FI. So what are you going to do about it?

That techie website, further confirms my affectionate but firm belief in your search for and contact w/fellow mad scientists.  Yipes, that is one  technical website.  I feel like such a backwoods country gal when I get near that stuff.  I am still trying to make sense of where all those socks go in between going into the washer and coming out of the dryer.




The names say it all...

 This page is dedicated to symbolic speech,
 which is assured as a right by the constitution
 of the United States.  

                                 PLEASE DON'T COPY THIS PAGE*
          The contents of this site are copyright © 1993,1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
2000, 2001 Mingus Designs and copyright © 1993 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999,
 2000, 2001 Charles Mingus III. And others as desiginated.  The copyright holders specifically
 prohibit reproduction, transmission, duplication or storage of this page or any portion thereof
 in any electronic or physical medium, under any circumstances. Reproducing all or part of
 this page against our express wishes may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.
However if you like this page and wish to share it, you are welcome to link to
 it, with our thanks ,we request you inform us and allow us to reciprocate .ED

We are connected to that endless stream of baloney that is life and constant change without any aparent relivance. Its like music made out of the random bird song and clacking and banging of the radator pipe of a tenimant apartment in early spring,what fun when they rumbal and quake at all hours. what fun when a falcon nails a pigon in the first light of dawn on any given day as somebodies car alarm shreeks its mechinacak kacaphonius version of taps while our tattered antenna flags are all but schreads of red white and blue ribonflapping in the last gasp of winter.

  back .A
 Click this grey  bar to cut to excerpt of the book  on page d also  look for Le Pentagate

This excerpt of the book is in gezer friendly big print!!!
   The article below, taken from the  , is excepted from Michael
Moore's new best selling book "Stupid White Men" (currently #1 on NYTimes list),

  "Nazis General Reinhard Gehlen admit there American Predicate Eugenics and intagrates CIA DIA DOD ATF UN WHO" (8 of 8) [04/12/2003 12:55:42 AM].   
by Mae Brussell

Published in The Rebel, November 22, 1983.

1940-1945: The Nazi Connection.
 Dallas Reinhard Gehla
The sparrow-faced man in the battle uniform of an American
general clambered down the steps of the U.S. Army transport
 plane upon its arrival at Washington National Airport. It was
August 24, 1945, two weeks after the surrender of Japan, three
 months after the German capitulation. The general was hustled
into a van with no windows and whisked to Fort Hunt outside the
capital. There he was attended by white-jacketed orderlies and,
the next morning, fitted with a dark-grey business suit from one
of Washington's swankiest men's stores.

General Reinhard Gehlen was ready to cut a deal. Reinhard
Gehlen had been, up until the recent capitulation, Adolph Hitler's
chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union. His American
captors had decked him out in one of their uniforms to deceive
the Russians, who were hunting him as a war criminal. Now U.S.
intelligence was going to deploy Gehlen and his network of spies
against the Russians. The Cold War was on.

This is a story of how key nazis, even as the Wehrmacht was still
on the offensive, anticipated military disaster and laid plans to
transplant nazism, intact but disguised, in havens in the West. It is
the story of how honorable men, and some not so honorable, were
 so blinded by the Red menace that they fell into lockstep with nazi

 It is the story of the Odd Couple Plus One: the mob, the
 CIA and fanatical exiles, each with its own reason for
 gunning for Kennedy.

It is a story that climaxes in Dallas on November 22,1963 when
 John Kennedy was struck down. And it is a story with an aftermath --
America's slide to the brink of fascism. As William L.Shirer author of

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, put it in speaking of the
excesses of the Nixon administration, "We could become the
 first country to go fascist through free elections."

Even Robert Ludlum would have been hard put to invent a
 more improbable espionage yan. In the eyes of the CIA
Reinhard Gehlen was an "asset" of staggering potential.
He was a professional spymaster, violently anti-Communist
and, best of all, the controller of a vast underground network
still in place inside Russian..."

 The Bilderbergers don't really formulate the NWO agenda. Hidden "councils"
higher up the food chain make those decisions, but the Bilderbergers are logistic
grunts who coordinate and implement the decided agenda.

Excellent insights and corroboration of the Nazi connection
 to the NWO the NWO is EXACTLY the same plan that Hilter
was pushing in the 1930's. The Nazis never really lost the war. They went undersgound. The NWO is the 4th Reich).


Saddam's Last Laugh The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times
    if OPEC Switches to the Euro

We are caught up, as organic beings, in the natural process through which the earth
accepts energy from the sun and then releases it. There has been life on Earth for at
least three and a half billion years, and over this time there has been a clear and
constant evolution in the way energy is used. The first living things may have obtained
 energy from organic molecules that had accumulated in their environment, but photo-
synthetic autotrophs, able to capture energy from sunlight, soon evolved, making it
 possible for life to escape this limited niche. The existence of autotrophs made a
place for heterotrophs, which use energy that has already been captured by autotrophs.
  It is not clear how photosynthesis got started, although it is a combination of two
systems that can be found singly in some life forms that still exist. But blue-green algae,
 Energy and Human Evolution


Today, the extrasomatic energy used by people around the world is
equal to the work of some 280 billion men. It is as if every man, woman,
and child in the world had 50 slaves. In a technological society such as
the United States, every person has more than 200 such"ghost slaves."

" Home Land Insecurity the 50's /60's Redo"
In your head or on your head ?"Duck & Quack!
Callous of Forethought "
 More Quotations To Consider

 At 56k its going to  take a while so
Pick  one of my favorite  pages at this site right click and
 open a new  window while this one  loads ED:   <click this      

not launched still in bata
            Visit  NOIZART.COM

         R@wman at 18
 WHO Murdered Africa "
2   |   lt's
  May you live in interesting times.This says it all: Quote of the day...
"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy,
 the best golfer is a black guy, The Swiss hold the America's Cup, France
 is accusing the US of arrogance, and Germany doesn't want to go to war."

Consider the source .
R mut:

The Mutt:
The R Mutt story a reasonably intereinteresting take for the kiddies...
"The art of the con.
The con of  the art...
Artist work is the manulipation of Icons!
The media is secondary. " ED
Our fearless leader is in fact not an Orwellian  as many say,
he shows us an endless parade of pissware and we bow to it
as if it were a shrine to the purest logic in human history & truly
full of biblical wisdom this is a natural reflex born of The Shock
& Fear post 911, that will wear off when we check our pocket books & wallets.  Historically tyrants & swindlers are  caught
 with the fingers in the till. Terrorists & Most Tyrants are after
your money that's why Most thieves say "Your money or you're life"... Give all of the money to the rich in the name of national security for the next 10 years.
Nice work if you can get it. Ed.

"Every thing can be made to serve the state even the flea"
Duchamp is seen as perhaps the most important artist in the twentieth century. Why? This urinal, signed R. Mutt, was entered in an exhibition AS ART. This is a good example of the 'DADA gesture'. In this work Duchamp deliberately 'epate la bourgeoisie' - slaps the ruling middle-class in the face. One of Duchamp's statements was 'use a Rembrandt for an ironing board'. Why would he make a work of art out of a urinal? Why would he want to destroy a 'masterpiece'? What is he saying about art and its function? DADA was a movement Duchamp was associated with, but his work dealt with broader issues than DADA.
An examination of the threats to the Snake River Plain aquifere  
 from the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.

"We have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.  
Added to this, three-and-a -half million men and women are directly engaged in the defence establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net  income of all US  corporations "This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry
 is new in the American experience. The total influence - economic, political, even spiritual -
is felt in every city, every statehouse,every office of the federal government. We recognise
the imperative need for development Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are involved; so is the very structure of our society. "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial (Entertainment, Prison) complex. The potential  for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."                         
insight analysis, and commentary on the innovations and trends of contemporary computing, and on its growing number of                                              related technologies.  An ongoing journey towards understanding,  & profiting from, a world of exponential technological growth!                                                                                                                  All material on the Web site is copyright © 2001-2003, Jeffrey R. Harrow.  All Rights Reserved.
R mutt
Little Orphan Annie, Lill Abner, Little Nemo

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© Copyright 2003 Mingus Designs, ,  or funwithparanoia All Rights Reserved Republication and redissemination of the
 content of these pages is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent  of Mingus Designs.

Mingus Designs shall not be liable for any errors, omissions, interruptions or delays in connection  with the content or for any
damages arising therefrom.


After Albert E=MC2 Einsitein He is
the most important scientest from

Blame The Messenger

 Saddam's last laugh  
 Saddam's Last Laugh The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times
    if OPEC Switches to the Euro


XSIte of the day   Le Pentagate <TV show, a spinoff of x files states USA  military agency will destroy world trade
cinter for fun and profit !! 2 YEARS BEFORE !   Le Pentagate IS A BOUT
 THE PENTAGON. A coupal of good friends of mine says "any body can fake photos with a free graphics program."
But I say the only way to find out is to at least look at some if not all of the material" WE HAVE" Provided to us by
our government..  Its not good enough to say its fabricated or “One of my best friends died at the Pentagon &
its an insult...” to what? LOOK at the evidence or wonder as you are fond of saying “WHAT IF IT  TRUE”.  

  (What is Fake is #1 No Ben Lad Den, Not fake we are in anther Viet Nam!  Not good ! Who Profits? )
His conclusions true or what the sources are real the compialation was not done by any American news agency
 Le Pentagate. The book is on line and you can read it free! It's in French all you nee to do is use a
translatortant than reading what a foreigner thinks is to read from their actual source material in English
it is free &  from the horses mouth all the web sites I visited are vast & are actual bonafide US Government web sites
his referenced are real !!  You can check it out yourself, or not but don't whine who knew!  If next week it turns out you
 were so busy feeling morally superior to Clinton or the democrats to not smell the other rat breath breathing down
your neck eating what's left of your brain
If the links are dead find your own.. On this book and the fact that >

 AT LEAST LOOK AT Le Pentagate English  ?


Stepford Citizen Syndrome: Top Ten Signs Your Neighbor is Brainwashed
 September 5, 2002 By Maureen Farrell Though much of the world is convinced the 2000 election was  a coup d'etat,
and many believe we're being lied to regarding 9/11, we Americans are unaware of how numb we seem. Not only
are we being coerced into World War III, but at this very moment, unnamed souls are secretly locked away, the Army's
 drafted plans for civilian detention camps and there's a Shadow Government buzzing beneath our
streets. And yet, we continue to ignore the oily elephant in the living room.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a
   revolutionary act."  -- George Orwell

This is why the White Right Wringers demands "GOD'S " return to
 the public school . " Prey to God, God Freer God ! Obey God There
God IS a WHITE man!

In a message dated 4/19/2003 5:31:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."  -- George Orwell

Two thousand years ago a crack pot lunatic (Niechie's
description, not mine) named Paul  deceived the whole
world with the biggest bullshit story ever told which made
the following two thousand years-- including now-- ' a time
of universal deceit.' Don't know what George is referring to
but that's the BIG picture.  why sweat the details when the
populations of all of south America including Mexico bow
down to a European version of God shoved down their
ancestors throats after their cultures and heritages and
wealth and land were taken away. Ditto for African slaves
who's offspring populate the Babtist churches in droves.

To talk about 'universal deceit' as only applied to the time
 we live in -- like while GW is president, trivializes the big lie.
Since Mr. J hung up on the cross-- or as the bs story
goes-- deceit has been the order of the day. And night.

Your Revolutionary,

If not now when?

 Can you Name a single Female Angle in there so called  heaven?

 Bla de bla de bla...
Clayton  wrote  Forwarded:Re: Iraqi prostitutes back on the streets after Saddam

++++ (
  The Bilderbergers don't really formulate the NWO agenda. Hidden "councils"
higher up the food chain make those decisions, but the Bilderbergers are logistic
 grunts who coordinate and implement the decided agenda. Excellent insights
and corroboration of the Nazi connection to the NWO (the NWO is EXACTLY the same
 plan that Hilter was pushing in the 1930's. The Nazis never really lost the war.
They went undersgound. The NWO is the 4th Reich).  Here are their mirror sites in
case you lose the original off the net:

 AT LEAST LOOK AT Le Pentagate Cut & past > or CLICK

 800 reference documents on the attacks of September 11, 2001,
 the war with  terrorism and the countryside of Afghanistan.

The documentation quoted in Appalling imposture is joined together on this site. The majority of the 800
documents are official publications of national or international institutions, as well as ONG. The data base
  is régulierement fed in order to provide material to the students, to researchers, to journalists who work
 on  the attacks of September 11, 2001, the war with terrorism and the countryside of Afghanistan.  
> Follow One of the Above Links to a Free Copy of
  Le Pentagate...
> 1997 Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 12:43:55
> To: (Recipient list suppressed)
> From: Paul Andrew Mitchell [address in tool bar]
> Subject: SLS: "I remember Hitler." (fwd)q
> <snip>Letter to the Editor 6/7/95 -
> Arlington, Washington Times
> (Dear Hillary)
> During the past several months in the American press, the
> Democrats have frequently denounced the Republicans as
> Nazis due to their attempts to control runaway federal
> spending. How very ironic. I remember the Nazis. Let me share
> a little about them and recall some of their exploits.
> First of all, "Nazi" was gutter slang for the verb "to
> nationalize". The Bider-Mienhoff gang gave themselves this
> moniker during their early struggles. The official title of the
> Nazi Party was "The National Socialist Workers Party of
> Germany". Hitler and the Brownshirts advocated the
> nationalization of education, health care, transportation,
> national resources, manufacturing, distribution and law
> enforcement.
> Hitler came to power by turning the working class,
> unemployed, and academic elite against the conservative
> republic. After der fuhrer's election ceased being a political
> conspiracy and was transformed into a fashionable social
> phenomenon, pary membership was especially popular with
> educators, bureaucrats, and the press. Being a Nazi was
> politically correct. They called themselves "The Children of
> the New Age of World Order" and looked down their noses at
> everyone else. As Hitler accrued more power, he referred to
> his critics as "The Dark Forces of Anarchy and Hatred".
> Anyone who questioned Nazi high-handedness in the German
> press was branded a "Conservative Reactionary". Joseph
> Goebbels, minister of communications, proclaimed a "New
> World Order".
> ++++++
>                    [Ah Yes the The Republican Conservative Agenda.
>                       Turn the USA Into Israel or Switzerland YOU Decide.
>                 Are you Unhypnotized?ED ]
 NO. 16, OCTOBER 13, 1971
And these were the edicts:

l No gathering in the open country of more than five persons.

l And no gathering in any close space at all.

l No anti-national propaganda, such as anti-war or anything against a public

l No marches or dissensions.

And we will now have what Rousseau describes as a puritan orgy: there
would be no beards or long hair on the men. No mini-skirts on the girls.
Everyone in Greece had to attend a Sunday church, [including tourists];
 Sunday church mandatory.

They called it a Christian coup, because the Jews traditionally do not go to
church on Sunday. But if you did not go to church on Sunday you could be
exiled to an island and arrested. It was similar to the inquisition in Spain.
The students were to turn in every old history book they had, and it would
 be replaced with a new one.

 Racial purity was proclaimed.

 And the theories of Darwin and de Vries were thrown out.

 They were ordered to protect their Christianity, on a public order that was
passed in 1942 by the Nazis. It was revived again.

All legitimate theaters were to submit their scripts. Does this sound?I'll
 end the quote for one minute?does it sound like our own theater where they're asking Powerplay recently in the theater in town here in Carmel, where the director was removed because they wanted to examine the scripts?

Clayton  wrote  Forwarded:Re: Iraqi prostitutes back on the streets after Saddam

Nazi Racial Legislation: The Nuremberg Laws

One of the earliest statements of the Nazi party--
the policy document of 1920 known as the
Twenty-Five Points--explicitly foreshadowed the
exclusion of Jews from German citizenship
(Point 4).Thus, as soon as Hitler came to power in 1933, no time was lost in
proceeding against Germany's Jewish citizens. In the early months of the
regime, they were prey to unbridled violence by Party activists during the so-
called Brown Terror. Officially, steps were immediately taken to dismiss
Jews from the civil service, reduce their number in the professions, and curtail
the students in schools and colleges. Partly as a ploy to bring order to the
shameless Party activism against inoffensive citizens and to clarify the regime's
attitude to German Jewry, the two measures outlined below were passed at a
meeting of the Party Congress at Nuremberg on Sept. 15, 1935.

Two of the laws are outlined below. The third, the
Reich Flag Act, decreed the new German national
 flag to be the Nazi swastika flag.

 Law for the Protection of German Blood and German "Honor"( ED: Can we say Mitochondria
 & Lucy)

Firm in the "knowledge that the purity of German blood" is the basis for the
 survival of the German people and inspired by the unshakeable determination
 to safeguard the future of the German nation, the Reichstag has unanimously
resolved upon the following Law, which is promulgated herewith:

Section 1
Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or some related blood are
forbidden. Such marriages contracted despite the law are invalid, even if they
take place abroad in order to avoid the law.

Section 2
Sexual relations outside marriage between Jews and citizens of German or related blood are forbidden.

Section 3
Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens of German or related
blood who are under 45 years as housekeepers.

Like Hitlers Grandma when she worked for the Rothshield
family ! ED

Section 4
1. Jews are forbidden to raise the national flag or display the national colors.
2. However, they are allowed to display the Jewish colors. The exercise of this right is protected by the State.

Section 5
1. Anyone who disregards Section 1 is liable to penal servitude.
2. Anyone who disregards the prohibition of Section 2 will be punished with
 imprisonment or penal servitude.
3. Anyone who disregards the provisions of Sections 3 or 4 will be punished
 with imprisonment up to one year or with a fine, or with one of these penalties.

 The Reich Citizenship Law, 1935  
Article 1 Section 1  A German subject is one who is a member of the protective union of the German Reich and is bound to it by special obligations. . . .

Section 2
1. A Reich citizen is that subject who is of German or related blood only and who through his behavior demonstrates that he is ready and able to serve faithfully the German people and Reich.

2. The right to citizenship of the Reich is acquired by the grant of citizenship papers.

3. A citizen of the Reich is the sole bearer of full political rights as provided by the law.
In the subsequent clarifying regulation of Nov. 14, 1935, a Jew was defined as anyone who was descended from: (a) at least three racially full Jewish grandparents or (b) two full Jewish parents if he or she belonged to the Jewish religious community (i.e., an observing Jew) ; was married to a Jewish person;was the offspring of a full Jew (as defined in a.) or the offspring of an extramarital relationship with a full Jew. LNeither could a Jew be a citizen of the Reich, vote or hold public offi ce.Incidentally, persons of mixed Jewish blood (i.e., half-Jews--with one or two Jewish grandparents) were absolved from these restrictions, though, again, Jewish observance tightened the restrictions.

DISCLAIMER : Please don't take my word for it, more on this Law later...There Is a term of art but it was erased? My memory is not at all clear and that may be as they say moot but in any case... ( forget the facts & the details but  I will opine any way ) and the 911 Pay-Toilet Act may have flushed this one as too double edged!
Did you know a Jury has almost as much power as the totality of the Supreme Court If they say a person is not guilty it can become a precedent and practically a new law.

Thus when a Florida Jury states that a group of KKK were not guilty of Capitol murder even though they were clearly shown as the perpetrators on a video tape and admitted to the action that led to the death of bystanders and anti KKK demonstrators. That decision followed an admonition from the trial judge to keep in mind its not illegal to kill communists! ... ED

                GO TO
site of the day Check out the articals in Provda

"It Can Happen Here."

 "A President is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the Constitution".  -- President James Madison     
First they Suspend the Constitution.
Then they declare marshal law.
  Every thing Adolph Hitler did was"Legal" If he wanted
 to do something he enacted a law making it Legal...
Sound's familiar? Nobody tried to IMPEACH HIM

So what if more people realize the president is a
criminal, and should be despised for an hour or two,
& the hole wide world's thinking it at one time what
 would that prove, what we already know?

You can't get something from nothing, with out the
 force of law nothing will change without action of
law abiding citizens . Kings and tyrants always
 use the law, the first thing they do is throw out "
 the old laws " The Constitutions the Bill of Rights
the Magna Caritas' and replace them with short lists
of does and don'ts.

.GWB won't need to burn books he just cuts the funding
 for Schools & libraries to buy new ones.
Besides most people just glance at the headlines in the tabloid's or watch TV which is CIA controlled...ED.

All one Die off Blow Back Gang!

"The notion that a radical is one who hates his country is
naive and usually idiotic. He is, more likely, one who likes
 his country more than the rest of us, and is thus more disturbed than the rest of us when he sees it debauched
 He is not a bad citizen turning to crime; he is a good citizen
 driven to despair. "  -- H.L. Mencken

M25 wrote :-)

             Water as fuel?
Exceedingly simple.

Water is pumped as needed to replenish and maintain the liquid level in the chamber. The
electrodes are vibrated with a 0.5-SA electrical pulse which breaks 2(H20) ---> 2H2 + 02. When
 the pressure reaches say 30-60 psi, you turn the key and go. You step on the pedal, you send
 more energy to the electrodes, and thus more vapour to the cylinders; i.e. fuel vapour on
demand. You set the idle -max flow rate to get the most efficient use of power, and you're off
to the races.

In the BIG picture, your Free Energy is coming from the tap water, in an open system, as the
latent energy in the water is enough to power the engine, and hence drive the alternator and
whatever belt-driven accessories; AND the alternator is efficient enough to run the various
electrical loads (10-20 amps), including the additional low current to run this vapour reaction.
 No extra batteries are required.



   1. Stephen Chambers 'Apparatus for Producing Orthohydrogen and/or Parahydrogen
     ' US Patent  6126794,

   2. Stanley Meyer 'Method for the Production of a Fuel Gas' US Patent 4936961, uspto. gov

   3. Creative Science & Research, 'Fuel From Water',

   4. Carl Celia 'A Water-Fuelled Car' Nexus Magazine Oct-Nov 1996

   5. Peter Lindemann 'Where in the World is All the Free Energy',

   6. George Wiseman 'The Gas-Saver and HyCO Series'

   7. C. Michael Holler 'The Dromedary Newsletter' and 'SuperCarb Techniques'

   8.  Stephen Chambers 'Prototype Vapor Fuel System',
   DISCLAIMER:The author of this document assumes no liability for the use or misuse if this
   information;  which is made available as public-domain information, for the purposes of
   education, ecology, health,  well-being, freedom, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

         COMMON LAW COPYRIGHT #285714: All rights to the use and duplication of these plans are
         hereby reserved for the People, in their efforts to heal and restore the environment.

 Dare to express  your uniqueness and environmental ideals.
 This  technology  is  an  exercise  in  responsible  self-determination.
As some of you may like to DIYS thia is some info that may help you create many fun things
Also 4 An exelant Ectronics mag ED. Nuts & Volts
            and a grand old standard for things Mechanical Toos & or Parts info at
           Small  Parts Inc. 13980 NW 58th Court Mimami, FL 33014

Shortcut to Mind Control The Ultimate Terror


Next Subject: good quote
  Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 16:29:33 _0500
  "Between 1503 and 1660, 185,000 kilos of gold and 16m kilos
of silver were shipped from Latin America to Europe. The Native
American leader Guaicaipuro Cuautemoc argues that his people
should see this transfer not as a war crime, but as the 'first of
several friendly loans, granted by America for Europe's

Were they to charge compound interest on
this loan, levied at the modest rate of 10%, Europe would owe the indigenous people of
Latin America a stack of gold and silver which
 exceeded the weight of the planet...

(In other words 3rd world debt is a fraud...)
The 'debt' is no more than a measurement of the banking
system's magical generation of money".

  George Monbiot  (UK author, journalist & activist).
  "Look at the mess we've got ourselves into, just because
 we invited a gringo to eat some bananas."

               Col. Aureliano Buendia in 100 years of Solitude


Watcher does not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed on this page. We re-post conspiracy
musings, gleaned from various internet, BB, and usenet sources, for entertainment and educational
purposes...but not for profit.

Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997   To:

     This was put out by the John Birch Society. You may take it for what its worth. --- Jilain
     ====Jilain can be reached via email at or via IRC undernet channel

Public arrest and incarceration at gun point has in the past meant for some a not so public
 summary execution. This project would possibly Stop some of the home front terrorism.

  But not Racism or racial profiling, it is still wrong and Racism is still with us.

 Do some thing about it before it  is called Unpatriotic to Question this  centuries long
Evil. That way WE are truly united United States. Once there was a question of guns
or butter now it's anthrax and "civilians are targets in  war and must be as vigilant as a
 front line soldier without training" or a gun.  Hey!

Are we as good as the Swiss?

  They all have Guns and are Citizen Soldiers aren't we as Important or as good as they are?

 Give US Citizens  This nation, state the of the art weapons ! Train this nation if it's war
draft every body!  We are already on the front lines so fork over the Hardware...

 Or are YOU merely going to treat us as if we are children or
 worse as  if we are YOUR cattle?  And cannon fodder for you
 strutting  bungling comb over boobs Well sir if this is so, YOU
 and your Famous So called Low IQ are facing a population of
"not in my  name" deserters as WE see more of the things YOU
 & Your MR. CIA DAD and Nazi  loving Grand Pappy have done.

The erased constitution and civil challenge may have been something YOU think is a
 joke  and your methods are some what clumsy, but it is clear.  Personal wealth and self
esteem are some times linked in this culture but now that the shit has hit the fan what
 good is YOUR  wealth, celebrity,stardom?  Looks like you are not actively dealing with
 the enemies you are playing  with them using a big budget  cruse missal to line the
 pockets of YOUR cronies that  make them, blowing up the decrepit pathetic remnant
that is Afghanistan & Iraq.     

War is Killing and you are allowing US to be targets & cutouts for YOUR racist Bleached
 Blond global Sodomite policies as well as NOT cutting off the hand of the Devil Dope or
 bombing the poppy fields or any of your play mates.

So we NOW all can see which side YOUR bread is buttered on.
 Evan a 80 year old Grandma knows this, who do you think you are
kidding?"  C-SPAN Lady  Idaho USA

This Moronic Napolinic stuff should Spartautosodomiz it self away  to the corn field of
  its own weight...  ED:

> ++++ just what it says
> ie  just+in+time+manufacturing =Google+Search

 Just-in-Time Manufacturing
 Is Working Overtime Lean
companies are being stretched
t   h   i   n      b   y      s   u   r   g   i   n   g       d   e   m   a   n   d
> This should be the best of times for Intermet Corp. (INMT) With auto sales
> booming, the Troy (Mich.) auto-parts supplier faces red-hot demand for the iron
> and aluminum castings it produces for sport-utility vehicles and light trucks.
 But few of the company's 6,890 employees have time to celebrate. The crush of orders is so huge
that Intermet is running 24 hours a day.
 Lines can't be shut down for needed maintenance. Stressed-out workers are quitting. Meanwhile,  escalating production costs--for overtime, repairs, and premium-freight
charges--cut third-quarter profits by 20%, to $7.4 million, even as revenue
jumped 16%, to $225 million.
> Chairman and Chief Executive John Doddridge admits he badly underestimated
> demand. Consequently, ''we had huge, huge turnover of labor and breakdowns
> at plants,'' he says. Intermet is not the only old-line manufacturer groaning under
> the weight of more business than it can handle efficiently.
> +++++
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       Not the camara bug combo. Yet!                                            back to top

Saddam's Last Laugh: The Dollar Could be Headed for Hard Times if OPEC Switches to the Euro (March 2001)